mission-critical components for Sydney Metro
- Aalberts integrated piping systems was selected to deliver mission-critical technologies for Sydney Metro's new underground rail line
- the company’s strong technical and engineering abilities were key aspects of being selected
- teamwork also played a vital role in executing the project successfully

Great engineering support and key technical advantages are just some of the reasons that Aalberts integrated piping systems was selected to deliver mission-critical technologies for Sydney Metro's new underground rail line, a major construction project.
significant contribution
“We were selected to provide grooved mechanical couplings, fittings, and thrust brackets for the main fire piping system in Sydney Metro's 'City and Southwest' section for a variety of reasons," says Scott Cavanaugh, product and sales operations director of Aalberts integrated piping systems. "Chief among those was our strong technical and engineering abilities. And these strengths are reflected in the fact that we had direct contact with Sydney Metro's engineering team during the design process to provide technical support, which is an amazing opportunity. Our products also have key technical advantages and we had a great lead time".
cross-border cooperation
As Australia’s biggest public transport project, the Sydney Metro is both high-profile and eagerly anticipated by the people of Sydney. "We were acutely aware of the scale of this project, which is why we used a range of skilled team members and had very strong cooperation between different regions. For example, we used our global experts on thrust brackets, as well as a specialist on the Australian market. Together, our strong teamwork helped us put together a superb offering. And with the West and Western Sydney Airport lines still to be constructed, going forward we very much hope to be involved with these projects as well."
Working with customers to help realise sustainable transport solutions by providing critical technical services is just one of the ways we make a difference.
“Great engineering support and key technical advantages are just some of the reasons we were selected”
significant contribution
“We were selected to provide grooved mechanical couplings, fittings, and thrust brackets for the main fire piping system in Sydney Metro's 'City and Southwest' section for a variety of reasons," says Scott Cavanaugh, product and sales operations director of Aalberts integrated piping systems. "Chief among those was our strong technical and engineering abilities. And these strengths are reflected in the fact that we had direct contact with Sydney Metro's engineering team during the design process to provide technical support, which is an amazing opportunity. Our products also have key technical advantages and we had a great lead time".
cross-border cooperation
As Australia’s biggest public transport project, the Sydney Metro is both high-profile and eagerly anticipated by the people of Sydney. "We were acutely aware of the scale of this project, which is why we used a range of skilled team members and had very strong cooperation between different regions. For example, we used our global experts on thrust brackets, as well as a specialist on the Australian market. Together, our strong teamwork helped us put together a superb offering. And with the West and Western Sydney Airport lines still to be constructed, going forward we very much hope to be involved with these projects as well."
Working with customers to help realise sustainable transport solutions by providing critical technical services is just one of the ways we make a difference.

any questions?
Scott Cavanaugh
product and sales operations director
at Aalberts integrated piping systems
Aalberts integrated piping systems