lightweight applications for aerospace

Aalberts is a specialist in precision extrusions and we produce various components for various markets for example the aerospace industry. We produce precision components made from aluminium, lightweight materials and this is a nice example of what we can make. A nice lightweight extrusion combined with several technologies especially for the aerospace applications. We have components from cabin Interiors up until flight controls.
The aerospace industry has to really reduce their CO2 emissions and we can really help them with our components with our structural designs with our lightweight materials. We can really have a big contribution in their goal to 2050. By co-engineering we help our customers to reduce the weight. We advise on the right aluminium alloys to use and we increase the stiffness of components. That has a big impact on their CO2 reduction but also a big impact on the SDG 12 responsible production. The way we involve our customers in this process, is that first of all we see sustainability as a real business opportunity. We have engineered a life cycle assessment tool in which we can calculate what is the impact of the weight for example on the footprint.
We calculate the footprint with a certain weight we compare that to an optimised design when we reduce the wall thicknesses for example and we can also compare this to market standards. That gives the customer a very good overview of what the solutions are we can offer, and what the impact is on their footprint. What makes us unique is that we have inhouse expertise on several technologies and we are true entrepreneurs.
With our precision extrusion in which we are leading, we can really have a big contribution in helping customers to improve their designs, improve their products and it makes a big impact in several markets, but especially in the aerospace business. We really drive sustainable transportation.