annual report 2022 published
- revenue EUR 3,230 million; organic growth 8.7%
- orderbook increased with 37%
- EBITA EUR 500 million; EBITA margin 15.5%
- net profit before amortisation EUR 372 million; per share EUR 3.37
- free cash flow EUR 168 million
- capital expenditure increased to EUR 203 million
- innovation rate increased to 17%; SDG rate to 68%
- acquisitions ISEL, UWS and KML; divestments ETI and VTI

In 2022 we delivered a strong and resilient performance with an organic revenue growth of 8.7% and a record orderbook (+37% compared to last year). We realised a revenue of EUR 3,230 million, an EBITA of EUR 500 million and a net profit of EUR 372 million, with an earnings per share of EUR 3.37. Our innovation rate increased to 17% and our SDG rate to 68%.
We thank our customers for their patience and loyalty during the year, which was impacted by the disruptions in our supply chain and the raw material and labour shortages. We tried to serve everyone in the best possible way. A big thank you to all Aalberts people, relentlessly finding solutions to continue the service to our customers, delivering a strong operational performance and driving the long-term business development plans. A great achievement, showing the strength of our business teams and entrepreneurial culture. We thank our shareholders for their loyalty and trust. We were again able to deliver great shareholder value. We are a sustainable profitable growth company you can count on.